Monday, September 24, 2012

Top 5 saddest Anime Deaths

Here's my first post: Top 5 Saddest Anime Moments
Feel free to tell me your comments, I am new to this "blog" thing. Don't Check if your not prepared to read some spoilers.

5.  The Last Note of Light
         Death Note
Despite being the "evil guy" in the anime, he was a great character and I found myself rooting for him at every turn. To this day I have not read the manga ending or watched the anime's ending. Someone ruined it for me when they told me Light was killed and exposed to most of the world as Kira. But I might watch it to just end it. Light was very different compared to other main characters, he was the one commiting the crime. I have always rooted for the bad guy (Char Fan) and Light's death was not a good one for me.....

4. jiraiya's Last Story

       As in Naruto fan I can tell you, we didn't see this coming though. The fight between him and pain was fantastic and emotional. We got used to seeing jiraiya doing all kinds of "pervy" things like peaking in the women's bath or checking out tsunade. He was one of my favorite naruto characters, it was a little sad to see him die. But I'm glad he died fighting and never stopped until his last breath....

3. L's Left the building
         Death Note
        We all saw this coming but some of us didn't want to see it happen. I was not the biggest fan of L but I didn't like the way he "went out". He was very comical to me, always appearing in random places wearing no shoes, slightly slouched over, sitting on anything with his knees hugged to his chest while he bites his nails. But the fight between him and kira was epic. All of us will miss him...

2. The Tyrant Dies as Lelouch Vi Britannia

One of my most favorite characters, he was so fun to watch. In a way he reminded me of Amuro Ray in the sense they were both highly intelligent, strong, and died fighting to make their worlds a better one. I wished Lelouch would have stayed alive and got together with Kallen but the director made a good call and ended the anime with Lelouch's Death.

1. Ushio's Death
           Clannad: After Story

A very touching moment when this little girl dies, just shortly after she finally bonds with her father. To me it was a the heart-wrenching moment I've ever seen in an anime, it left me depressed all day. That's why it is number 1 on my list and will forever be number 1....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Welcome to Inferno Ladies and Gents

hello everyone, I'm Mr.Inferno ive decided to make a blog today where i will talk about anime and manga. there will be spoilers, so dont comment about me ruining an anime you wanted to watch.

I talk a lot, so there will be a lot of posts but know i will respond to all your comments.